Delivery rates & timeframes


Country / Region Delivery Time (Business Days) Delivery Fee Delivers From
United States 3 - 5 days FREE United States
Germany 1 - 2 days FREE Germany
United Kingdom 2 - 5 days FREE United Kingdom
Canada 1 - 4 days FREE Canada
Australia & New Zealand 7 - 8 days FREE Hong Kong
France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Ireland 3 - 6 days FREE Germany
Spain 5 - 9 days FREE Germany
Singapore 6 - 12 days FREE Hong Kong
Sweden 4 - 8 days FREE Germany
Norway 6 - 12 days FREE Germany
Detailed list of all countries

Free worldwide shipping to most countries (see details here).

An individual tracking number is provided with each order so that you can keep track of your order delivery updates.